Add Service Endpoint

This tutorial explains how to add service endpoints to a DID registered with InfraDID.

Before you begin

Before you begin, Make sure you have the following:

Adding Service Endpoints to InfraDID

To make a list of service endpoints available for a specific DID and store it on the chain, making it public for others to inspect the Document of a specific DID, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the InfraBlockchain Explorer and follow the steps below.

  • Go to Developer - Extrinsic and select the addServices extrinsic of the didModule palette.

    Configure it as shown below and trigger the extrinsic:

Removing Service Endpoints from InfraDID

To remove service endpoints from InfraDID, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the InfraBlockchain Explorer and follow the steps below.

  • Go to Developer - Extrinsic and select the removeServices extrinsic of the didModule palette.

    Configure it as shown below and trigger the extrinsic:

Adding and Removing Service Endpoints from InfraDID Using the infra-did-js Library

To add and remove service endpoints from InfraDID using the infra-did-js library:

  1. Install the infra-did-js library.

    yarn add infra-did-js
  2. Write code to set up the basic configuration code for accessing InfraDID chain, as shown below:

    import  {InfraSS58, CRYPTO_INFO} from 'infra-did-js';
    const txfeePaterAccountKeyPair = await InfraSS58.getKeyPairFromUri('//Alice', 'sr25519');
    const confBlockchainNetwork = {
      networkId: 'space',
      address: 'ws://localhost:9944',
      // seed or keyPair required
      // or txfeePayerAccountSeed: 'TX_FEE_PAYER_ACCOUNT_SEED'
    const conf = {
      did: 'did:infra:space:5CRV5zBdAhBALnXiBSWZWjca3rSREBg87GJ6UY9i2A7y1rCs',
      // seed or keyPair required
      seed: 'DID_SEED',
      // keyPair: keyPair,
      controllerDID: 'did:infra:space:5HdJprb8NhaJsGASLBKGQ1bkKkvaZDaK1FxTbJRXNShFuqgY'
      controllerSeed: 'DID_CONTROLLER_SEED',
      // or controllerKeyPair: controllerKeyPair
    const infraApi = await InfraSS58.createAsync(conf);
  3. Write code to add service endpoints to InfraDID:

    // Add Service Endpoint
      originsTexts: string[],
      endpointType?: ServiceEndpointType,
      endpointIdText?: string,
    await infraApi.didModule.addServiceEndpoint(SOME_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_URLS);
  4. Alternatively, write code to remove service endpoints from InfraDID:

    // Remove Service Endpoint
      endpointIdText?: string
    await infraApi.didModule.removeServiceEndpoint();

Last updated