
This tutorial explains the process of building and running InfraDID parachain.

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure to do the following:

The InfraDID Chain

If you have completed the previous tutorial, you should have the InfraRelayChain repository on your local machine.

  1. Open your computer's terminal shell.

  2. Execute the following command to clone InfraDID chain repository:

    git clone

    This command clones the develop branch.

  3. Execute the following command to navigate to the root of the node template directory:

    cd infra-did-substrate

    Create a new branch for your work:

    git switch -c my-learning-branch-yyyy-mm-dd

    Replace yyyy-mm-dd with your desired identifier. We recommend using a numeric year-month-day format. For example:

    git switch -c my-learning-branch-2023-03-01
  4. Compile the node template with the following command:

    cargo build --release

    Always use the --release flag for optimized builds. The first compilation may take some time to complete. When it's finished, you'll see a line similar to this:

    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 11m 23s

Starting a Local Node

Once the node is compiled, you're ready to set up the relay chain and InfraDID chain in a local environment using the ZombieNet.

To start the local InfraDID chain, follow these steps:

  1. Check the ZombieNet configuration:

    cat ./zombienet/local-dev.toml
     default_command = "../infra-relay-chain/target/release/infrablockspace"
     default_args = ["-lparachain=debug", "-l=xcm=trace"]
     chain = "infrablockspace-local"
     name = "alice"
     validator = true
     rpc_port = 7100
     ws_port = 7101
     name = "bob"
     validator = true
     rpc_port = 7200
     ws_port = 7201
     name = "charlie"
     validator = true
     rpc_port = 7300
     ws_port = 7301
     name = "dave"
     validator = true
     rpc_port = 7400
     ws_port = 7401
     name = "eve"
     validator = true
     rpc_port = 7500
     ws_port = 7501
     name = "ferdie"
     validator = true
     rpc_port = 7600
     ws_port = 7601
     id = 1337
     chain = "infra-did-substrate-local"
     cumulus_based = true
     # run alice as parachain collator
     name = "alice"
     validator = true
     command = "./target/release/infradid"
     args = ["-lparachain=debug", "--alice"]

    Ensure that the default_command paths for relaychain and parachains match existing paths in your local environment. If they don't match, adjust them to fit your local setup.

  2. Execute the following command to run ZombieNet and set up the relay chain and chain:

    zombienet spawn --provider native zombienet/local-dev.toml
  3. If everything is running successfully, you will see a terminal shell similar to the one below:

  4. (Optional) If you want to check the nodes of InfraDID chain, you can find logs similar to this:

    2023-10-30 14:32:09.155  INFO main sc_cli::runner: InfraDID Node
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.156  INFO main sc_cli::runner: āœŒļø  version 0.0.1-55dcfcb07e0
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.156  INFO main sc_cli::runner: ā¤ļø  by Cute_Wisp, 2023-2023
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.156  INFO main sc_cli::runner: šŸ“‹ Chain specification: InfraDID Local Testnet
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.156  INFO main sc_cli::runner: šŸ·  Node name: alice-1
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.156  INFO main sc_cli::runner: šŸ‘¤ Role: AUTHORITY
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.157  INFO main sc_cli::runner: šŸ’¾ Database: RocksDb at /var/folders/5s/7k4bxw5d257br6f0r_2s2szr0000gn/T/zombie-2a90bd66ae7b68ddde1ac8d677296477_-22060-19mFvC1jG2Lx/alice-1/data/chains/local_testnet/db/full
    2023-10-30 14:32:09.157  INFO main sc_cli::runner: ā›“  Native runtime: infra-did-2 (infra-did-0.tx1.au1)
    2023-10-30 14:32:15.620  INFO main infradid::command: Parachain id: Id(1337)
    2023-10-30 14:32:15.620  INFO main infradid::command: Parachain Account: 5Ec4AhNxgS7A2zFSFZP66fwSMZHNTqFNLUXQs6iCDi9fMJMa
    2023-10-30 14:32:15.620  INFO main infradid::command: Parachain genesis state: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fe4694a3e081689168a32207d66b114dffb257f26a008263f8a26a94f30a4b4a03170a2e7597b7b7e3d84c05391d139a62b157e78786d8c082f29dcf4c11131400
    2023-10-30 14:32:15.620  INFO main infradid::command: Is collating: yes
    2023-10-30 14:32:24.276  INFO main sc_service::client::client: [Parachain] šŸ”Ø Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0xfe46ā€¦4b4a, header-hash: 0x3754ā€¦6ea8)
    2023-10-30 14:32:24.297 DEBUG main parachain: [Parachain] Restoring chain level monitor from last finalized block: 0 0x3754ā€¦6ea8
    2023-10-30 14:32:24.297 DEBUG main parachain: [Parachain] Restored chain level monitor up to height 1
    2023-10-30 14:32:37.472  INFO main sc_service::client::client: [Relaychain] šŸ”Ø Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x6854ā€¦8371, header-hash: 0x9e0aā€¦2ae2)
    2023-10-30 14:32:37.957 DEBUG main parachain::chain-selection: [Relaychain] Using dispute aware relay-chain selection algorithm
    2023-10-30 14:32:37.964  INFO main grandpa: [Relaychain] šŸ‘“ Loading GRANDPA authority set from genesis on what appears to be first startup.
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.464  INFO main babe: [Relaychain] šŸ‘¶ Creating empty BABE epoch changes on what appears to be first startup.
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.571  INFO main sub-libp2p: [Relaychain] šŸ·  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWQz7cbjiQ7ae92R5bpsQXcKFanmjJ5okvVLkyMUpY2Bri
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.615  INFO main sc_sysinfo: [Relaychain] šŸ’» Operating system: macos
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.615  INFO main sc_sysinfo: [Relaychain] šŸ’» CPU architecture: aarch64
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.615  INFO main sc_service::builder: [Relaychain] šŸ“¦ Highest known block at #0
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.626  INFO main sc_rpc_server: [Relaychain] Running JSON-RPC HTTP server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.627  INFO main sc_rpc_server: [Relaychain] Running JSON-RPC WS server: addr=, allowed origins=["http://localhost:*", "*", "https://localhost:*", "*", ""]
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.628  INFO main sc_sysinfo: [Relaychain] šŸ CPU score: 23.81 MiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.628  INFO main sc_sysinfo: [Relaychain] šŸ Memory score: 716.52 MiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.628  INFO main sc_sysinfo: [Relaychain] šŸ Disk score (seq. writes): 1.24 GiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.628  INFO main sc_sysinfo: [Relaychain] šŸ Disk score (rand. writes): 45.66 MiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.654  INFO tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-voting: [Relaychain] Starting with an empty approval vote DB.
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.668  INFO                 main sub-libp2p: [Parachain] šŸ·  Local node identity is: 12D3KooWHhaSXEhWFi3LibWRNgF9PezoqB9Xeae4fS3dxCowJEg3
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.677  INFO                 main sc_sysinfo: [Parachain] šŸ’» Operating system: macos
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.677  INFO                 main sc_sysinfo: [Parachain] šŸ’» CPU architecture: aarch64
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.677  INFO                 main sc_service::builder: [Parachain] šŸ“¦ Highest known block at #0
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.677  INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate_prometheus_endpoint: [Parachain] ć€½ļø Prometheus exporter started at
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.678  INFO                 main sc_rpc_server: [Parachain] Running JSON-RPC HTTP server: addr=, allowed origins=["*"]
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.678  INFO                 main sc_rpc_server: [Parachain] Running JSON-RPC WS server: addr=, allowed origins=["*"]
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.681  INFO                 main sc_sysinfo: [Parachain] šŸ CPU score: 23.81 MiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.681  INFO                 main sc_sysinfo: [Parachain] šŸ Memory score: 716.52 MiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.681  INFO                 main sc_sysinfo: [Parachain] šŸ Disk score (seq. writes): 1.24 GiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.681  INFO                 main sc_sysinfo: [Parachain] šŸ Disk score (rand. writes): 45.66 MiBs
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.681  WARN                 main infradid::service: [Parachain] āš ļø  The hardware does not meet the minimal requirements for role 'Authority'.
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.691  INFO tokio-runtime-worker libp2p_mdns::behaviour: [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWHhaSXEhWFi3LibWRNgF9PezoqB9Xeae4fS3dxCowJEg3 /ip4/
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.691  INFO tokio-runtime-worker libp2p_mdns::behaviour: [Relaychain] discovered: 12D3KooWHhaSXEhWFi3LibWRNgF9PezoqB9Xeae4fS3dxCowJEg3 /ip4/
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.691  INFO tokio-runtime-worker libp2p_mdns::behaviour: [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWQz7cbjiQ7ae92R5bpsQXcKFanmjJ5okvVLkyMUpY2Bri /ip4/
    2023-10-30 14:32:45.691  INFO tokio-runtime-worker libp2p_mdns::behaviour: [Parachain] discovered: 12D3KooWQz7cbjiQ7ae92R5bpsQXcKFanmjJ5okvVLkyMUpY2Bri /ip4/
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.551  INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: [Relaychain] šŸ‘¶ New epoch 0 launching at block 0x2f30ā€¦50e5 (block slot 283107328 >= start slot 283107328).
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.551  INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: [Relaychain] šŸ‘¶ Next epoch starts at slot 283107332
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.556  WARN tokio-runtime-worker runtime::inclusion-inherent: [Relaychain] ParentBlockRandomness did not provide entropy
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.560  INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Relaychain] āœØ Imported #1 (0x2f30ā€¦50e5)
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.560  INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: [Relaychain] šŸ‘¶ New epoch 0 launching at block 0xae7cā€¦a310 (block slot 283107328 >= start slot 283107328).
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.560  INFO tokio-runtime-worker babe: [Relaychain] šŸ‘¶ Next epoch starts at slot 283107332
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.561  WARN tokio-runtime-worker runtime::inclusion-inherent: [Relaychain] ParentBlockRandomness did not provide entropy
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.563  INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_informant: [Relaychain] ā™»ļø  Reorg on #1,0x2f30ā€¦50e5 to #1,0xae7cā€¦a310, common ancestor #0,0x9e0aā€¦2ae2
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.563  INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Relaychain] āœØ Imported #1 (0xae7cā€¦a310)
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.565 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::dispute-distribution: [Relaychain] Dispute coordinator slow? We are still waiting for data on next active leaves update.
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.565 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::gossip-support: [Relaychain] New session detected session_index=0
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.565 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::gossip-support: [Relaychain] Determined past/present/future authorities authority_count=4
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.565 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::gossip-support: [Relaychain] Issuing a connection request num=0
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.565 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::gossip-support: [Relaychain] error=NotAValidator
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.565 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::validator-discovery: [Relaychain] New ConnectToValidators resolved request peer_set=Validation num_peers=0 removed=0
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.566 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-voting: [Relaychain] Insta-approving all candidates block_hash=0x2f30c66771f12cb9259fbce326504f470a849bbbc768d4313bf8e4b3b7d350e5
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.566 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-voting: [Relaychain] Imported new block. block_number=1 block_hash=0x2f30c66771f12cb9259fbce326504f470a849bbbc768d4313bf8e4b3b7d350e5 num_candidates=0
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.567 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-distribution: [Relaychain] Got new blocks [(0x2f30c66771f12cb9259fbce326504f470a849bbbc768d4313bf8e4b3b7d350e5, 1)]
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.567 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-distribution: [Relaychain] Got new blocks [(0x2f30c66771f12cb9259fbce326504f470a849bbbc768d4313bf8e4b3b7d350e5, 1)]
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.567 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-voting: [Relaychain] Insta-approving all candidates block_hash=0xae7cb455ebc830dac034bad64097b9b21f58f8d82b10c8c5bf29e306c86ba310
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.567 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-voting: [Relaychain] Imported new block. block_number=1 block_hash=0xae7cb455ebc830dac034bad64097b9b21f58f8d82b10c8c5bf29e306c86ba310 num_candidates=0
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.567 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::approval-distribution: [Relaychain] Got new blocks [(0xae7cb455ebc830dac034bad64097b9b21f58f8d82b10c8c5bf29e306c86ba310, 1)]
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.630  INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Relaychain] šŸ’¤ Idle (5 peers), best: #1 (0xae7cā€¦a310), finalized #0 (0x9e0aā€¦2ae2), ā¬‡ 10.2kiB/s ā¬† 10.3kiB/s
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.655 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::chain-selection: [Relaychain] Prepared 0 stagnant entries for pruning up_to=1698553970 min_ts=0 max_ts=0
    2023-10-30 14:32:50.682  INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Parachain] šŸ’¤ Idle (0 peers), best: #0 (0x3754ā€¦6ea8), finalized #0 (0x3754ā€¦6ea8), ā¬‡ 0.8kiB/s ā¬† 0.5kiB/s
    2023-10-30 14:32:54.019  INFO tokio-runtime-worker substrate: [Relaychain] āœØ Imported #2 (0x8170ā€¦61f3)
    2023-10-30 14:32:54.021 DEBUG tokio-runtime-worker parachain::infrablockspace-collator-protocol: [Relaychain] Removing relay parent because our view changed. relay_parent=0xae7cb455ebc830dac034bad64097b9b21f58f8d82b10c8c5bf29e306c86ba310

Next steps

Last updated